Demystifying SRED and Its Promise for Canadian Businesses

In the world of Canadian business, the acronym SRED echoes as an alluring promise of growth and innovation. Yet, despite its familiarity, the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program remains an enigma for many entrepreneurs. All too often, businesses falter in their pursuit of SRED refunds – either deterred by perceived ineligibility or unprepared for the intricate application process. 

The Problem: Unclaimed Potential Amidst Complexity 

While the SRED acronym resonates within the business community, its true potential often remains untapped. The challenge lies in misconceptions and a lack of understanding – hurdles that deter businesses from pursuing SR&ED benefits. Many companies mistakenly believe that the program is solely for large corporations with elaborate research departments, excluding them from its rewards. Consequently, countless businesses forfeit the chance to harness SRED incentives, failing to capitalize on an avenue of financial growth and innovation. 

The Solution: Equipping Businesses for Success 

This comprehensive SRED guide emerges as a beacon of clarity, guiding Canadian businesses towards the untapped potential within the program. Delving beyond the jargon and complexities, this guide provides a roadmap to decode SRED-eligible expenses, demonstrating how businesses of all sizes and sectors can harness its benefits. Whether you are a startup or an established corporation, this guide empowers you to: 

  • Understand Eligible Expenses: Navigate the intricacies of eligible expenses, from salaries and wages to materials, contracts, overhead costs, and third-party payments. 
  • Uncover the SRED Process: Gain a holistic understanding of the SRED application process, empowering you to confidently navigate the challenges. 
  • Maximize Financial Gains: Unlock the potential of SRED refunds, discovering how they manifest through investment tax credits, income tax deductions, and eligible expenditures.

The Power of SRED 

Statistics shed light on the impact of SRED, dispelling myths and showcasing its wide-reaching influence. Of the staggering $3 billion annually allocated by the SRED program, an impressive 75% is directed towards small businesses across diverse sectors. This dispels the misconception that SRED is exclusive to large corporations, revealing its inclusive nature. 

Moreover, SRED acts as the driving force behind over 20,000 businesses engaging in scientific research and experimental development projects each year. These projects breathe life into innovation, propelling businesses forward and contributing to the technological tapestry of the nation. 


As you journey through this guide, the enigmatic landscape of SRED transforms into a landscape of opportunity. Armed with insights into eligible expenses, application intricacies, and potential financial gains, you are primed to harness SRED to your advantage. The path to innovation and growth no longer remains shrouded in mystery; instead, it emerges as a well-lit journey towards a future brimming with possibilities.



EVAMAX identifies all the grants and incentives that are applicable to your company and does the paperwork to get those grants and incentives approved. Stay updated on news related to SRED, technology-driven companies, innovation industries, and business in general through our blog.