Mobilizing Canadian Innovation Against COVID-19: A Strategic Overview 

In the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has undertaken a comprehensive and collaborative approach to combat the virus. From substantial government funding to robust research initiatives, the nation is actively engaged in a race against time to drive innovation in the fight against COVID-19. This article explores the multifaceted efforts and significant strides made in research and development, shedding light on the critical role played by both the public and private sectors. 

1. Government Commitment and Funding Boost: 

Canada’s commitment to tackling the pandemic is evident in its significant financial backing. Health Minister Patty Hajdu emphasized the urgency, stating, “The outbreak of COVID-19 evolves quickly, and protecting the health of Canadians is our priority.” Prime Minister Trudeau’s pledge of $26.8 million, augmented by an additional $25.8 million, has doubled the capacity for COVID-19 research projects to 96, demonstrating the government’s dedication to a swift and effective response. 

2. Collaborative Research Initiatives: 

Canada’s research landscape has witnessed a surge in collaborative efforts. Academic institutions, such as Laval University and the University of Alberta, are spearheading vaccine development projects. Laval’s success with Zika and MERS viruses has positioned them as key players in reverse engineering a COVID-19 vaccine. Simultaneously, the University of Alberta is focusing on a DNA-based vaccine, showcasing the diversity of innovative approaches to combat the virus. 

3. Corporate Contributions and Adaptations: 

Beyond the academic sphere, Canadian businesses are actively contributing to the fight against COVID-19. The University of Waterloo has repurposed its Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Laboratory to produce face shields for frontline healthcare workers. Various manufacturing firms have shifted their focus to produce protective equipment, supported by specialized grants. Biotech company AbCellera in Vancouver is leveraging antibodies from recovered patients to identify vaccine candidates, illustrating the private sector’s pivotal role in innovation. 

4. Government Incentive Programs: 

In addition to direct funding, the Canadian government has implemented incentive programs to drive research and development. The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Credit program, with over $3 billion in funding, is a crucial pillar of support. This program, available in the form of income tax deductions, investment tax credits, or refunds, encourages businesses and institutions to engage in vital research activities by reimbursing a significant portion of incurred expenses. 

5. EVAMAX: Maximizing R&D Funding Potential: 

EVAMAX, a specialist in navigating government funding avenues, plays a vital role in assisting companies seeking to contribute to the fight against COVID-19. By leveraging the SR&ED credit program, businesses can receive financial support, making their innovative contributions more sustainable. The collaborative efforts of government programs and private sector expertise underscore the collective determination to combat the pandemic. 


As Canada intensifies its efforts in the fight against COVID-19, the synergy between government initiatives, research institutions, and private enterprises stands as a testament to the nation’s resilience. The mobilization of resources, coupled with strategic funding and collaborative research, positions Canada at the forefront of the global battle against the pandemic. In these challenging times, the convergence of innovation and government support becomes a beacon of hope.  

Contact EVAMAX today to explore the available avenues for your business and contribute to the collective effort against COVID-19. 



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