SRED Pre-claim Consultation Pros and Cons 

Navigating the complexities of Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) claims is a crucial process for companies engaged in innovation and R&D. The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) offers a service known as Pre-Claim Consultation (PCC) that aims to provide invaluable insights to claimants before they officially submit their SRED claims. The PCC is a strategic tool designed to save time, effort, and potential frustration by offering a preliminary assessment of the eligibility of SRED activities within your projects. 

In this article, we delve into the pros and cons of the CRA’s Pre-Claim Consultation service, offering a comprehensive overview of its benefits and limitations. We’ll explore how PCC can significantly impact your claim submission process and discuss when it might be more advantageous to engage a professional SRED consultant, such as EVAMAX, to ensure you’re maximizing your claim potential. 

The Pros of Pre-Claim Consultation: 

The Pre-Claim Consultation service provides a range of benefits that can streamline your SR&ED claim process. According to CRA data, as of 2021, approximately 80% of SR&ED claims are subject to review. This underscores the importance of ensuring your claim is well prepared and stands up to scrutiny. 

  • Early Eligibility Insights: PCC gives you the opportunity to know in advance if your projects have SRED eligible activities. This can help you focus your efforts on projects with higher chances of success, saving both time and resources. 
  • Documentation Guidance: CRA offers advice on the type of documentation required to support your claim. This guidance is valuable in ensuring your claim is well-substantiated, reducing the likelihood of review delays or rejections. 
  • Detailed Assessment: The written report provided by CRA outlines which activities within your projects would be eligible for SRED. This information enables you to refine your claim, optimizing your chances of approval. 

Limitations of Pre-Claim Consultation: 

However, it’s important to be aware of the limitations associated with the PCC service: 

  • Project Completion Requirement: PCC is available only for projects that are completed or in progress. This excludes start-up companies seeking advance assurance of funding from SR&ED before project implementation. 
  • Prior Review Restriction: If a project has already undergone a determination of eligibility, it cannot be considered for PCC. This may affect businesses looking to re-claim projects with modified activities. 
  • Project Quantity Limitation: PCC can be requested for a maximum of 3 projects per taxation year. Larger companies heavily invested in R&D may find this limitation constraining. 
  • Timing Constraint: The request for PCC must be made within 4 months of the taxation year end in which the work was carried out. This timeline might not align with business priorities. 
  • Incomplete Decision Scope: PCC does not provide decisions on the extent of eligible work or allowable expenditures. The final claim submission process may still require adjustments and reviews. 

Considering Professional SRED Consulting: 

Given the nuanced nature of SRED claims, it’s worth considering professional assistance from experienced consultants like EVAMAX. Here’s how our services can add value beyond the PCC: 

  • Comprehensive Expertise: Our industry-specialist SRED experts understand your business and technology, offering tailored advice on eligibility and extent of claims. 
  • Holistic Approach: We assist with projects at various stages, including those in progress, completed, or contemplated. This flexibility is ideal for companies at any phase of R&D. 
  • In-Depth Claim Support: Our team provides comprehensive claim preparation and defense services, maximizing your claim’s potential for approval. 
  • Past Project Review: We can review previously submitted projects for overlooked items, enhancing future submissions and claim potential. 


In the realm of SRED claims, the Pre-Claim Consultation service offered by CRA serves as a preliminary guide to potential eligibility. However, it’s important to understand its limitations and consider the broader benefits that professional SRED consulting can bring. While PCC offers early insights, partnering with seasoned consultants like EVAMAX ensures your claims are meticulously prepared and positioned for success. As you navigate the intricate landscape of SRED, the expertise of professionals can be your competitive advantage in maximizing claim benefits and optimizing your innovation endeavors. 



EVAMAX identifies all the grants and incentives that are applicable to your company and does the paperwork to get those grants and incentives approved. Stay updated on news related to SRED, technology-driven companies, innovation industries, and business in general through our blog.